CBBCS Teacher Assistant (TA) program.
The TA teen program (formerly known as the madrichim program) has grown into an application-based program for those who are interested in learning more about the teaching profession. This job has a lot of responsibility, and the expectation is that all TAs comport themselves just as if they were teachers themselves.
Members of the program will learn alongside the lead teachers how to develop experiential-based teaching plans and carry them out in partnership. We encourage applicants that wish to use music, movement, stories, and creative ways of learning that will especially relate to younger children to apply.
Our most successful madrichim have become Sunday school teachers in the recent past. We hope this might be the case with some of our TAs.
Applicants will have Hebrew reading and writing ability, and a desire to share their love of learning with younger children. They should show interest in the subjects taught at Sunday school. Older applicants are encouraged to apply.
The position has the following responsibilities:
1. Hours: All TAs arrive at 9:10am to meet with their lead teacher and the school principal to prepare for the day, and leave at 12:30pm after a brief weekly staff meeting following the end of the school day. All teachers must be available during these times on Sundays. If a parent is responsible for transportation, please communicate clearly to these time ranges, as being timely is very important to running class smoothly.
2. Guide students towards a positive religious school experience by demonstrating involvement, collaboration skills, and initiative.
3. Administrative responsibilities: Aid lead teachers in tasks such as setting up/organizing/cleaning up the classroom, materials distribution and maintenance, preparing snacks, managing incentive charts, taking attendance, managing incentives, and helping with classroom management.
4. Interactive responsibilities: Greeting students as they enter the classroom, helping students with art projects and classwork, leading students in small-group activities, leading transitions between activities, reading stories to the class, planning with their lead teacher to lead mini-lessons, tutoring students who need extra help, and mentoring students who have difficulty focusing during class.
5. Creative responsibilities: Creating bulletin boards, directing class skits, writing or taking pictures for parent e-newsletter, providing musical accompaniment if interested.
6. Demonstrate leadership skills: Being kind, praying during Tefilah, being helpful and proactive, wearing the appropriate headwear, taking the students ideas and opinions seriously and with respect, being the kind of person you'd like the students to become. Being creditable and responsible to CBBCS staff.
7. Communication responsibilities: All TAs must be directly reachable (not through parents, but directly reachable) via phone/email/text in a timely manner to CBBCS teacher and staff while we are not in Hebrew School. Emergencies can come up, and we need to be able to get in touch with you as soon as possible. Teaching assistants will read the weekly emails that go out to inform families of upcoming events, to make sure everyone is on the same page, and arriving at the correct time to events.
8. Cell phones and other electronic devices: may not be used unless during class hours unless they are directly involved with teaching class or reaching other staff members.
The TA teen program (formerly known as the madrichim program) has grown into an application-based program for those who are interested in learning more about the teaching profession. This job has a lot of responsibility, and the expectation is that all TAs comport themselves just as if they were teachers themselves.
Members of the program will learn alongside the lead teachers how to develop experiential-based teaching plans and carry them out in partnership. We encourage applicants that wish to use music, movement, stories, and creative ways of learning that will especially relate to younger children to apply.
Our most successful madrichim have become Sunday school teachers in the recent past. We hope this might be the case with some of our TAs.
Applicants will have Hebrew reading and writing ability, and a desire to share their love of learning with younger children. They should show interest in the subjects taught at Sunday school. Older applicants are encouraged to apply.
The position has the following responsibilities:
1. Hours: All TAs arrive at 9:10am to meet with their lead teacher and the school principal to prepare for the day, and leave at 12:30pm after a brief weekly staff meeting following the end of the school day. All teachers must be available during these times on Sundays. If a parent is responsible for transportation, please communicate clearly to these time ranges, as being timely is very important to running class smoothly.
2. Guide students towards a positive religious school experience by demonstrating involvement, collaboration skills, and initiative.
3. Administrative responsibilities: Aid lead teachers in tasks such as setting up/organizing/cleaning up the classroom, materials distribution and maintenance, preparing snacks, managing incentive charts, taking attendance, managing incentives, and helping with classroom management.
4. Interactive responsibilities: Greeting students as they enter the classroom, helping students with art projects and classwork, leading students in small-group activities, leading transitions between activities, reading stories to the class, planning with their lead teacher to lead mini-lessons, tutoring students who need extra help, and mentoring students who have difficulty focusing during class.
5. Creative responsibilities: Creating bulletin boards, directing class skits, writing or taking pictures for parent e-newsletter, providing musical accompaniment if interested.
6. Demonstrate leadership skills: Being kind, praying during Tefilah, being helpful and proactive, wearing the appropriate headwear, taking the students ideas and opinions seriously and with respect, being the kind of person you'd like the students to become. Being creditable and responsible to CBBCS staff.
7. Communication responsibilities: All TAs must be directly reachable (not through parents, but directly reachable) via phone/email/text in a timely manner to CBBCS teacher and staff while we are not in Hebrew School. Emergencies can come up, and we need to be able to get in touch with you as soon as possible. Teaching assistants will read the weekly emails that go out to inform families of upcoming events, to make sure everyone is on the same page, and arriving at the correct time to events.
8. Cell phones and other electronic devices: may not be used unless during class hours unless they are directly involved with teaching class or reaching other staff members.